Toss the confetti! The Class of 2024 set a new record, achieving an on-time graduation rate of 91.7 percent, up 0.6% from last year. The increase is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our students, staff and families.
Since 2014, Tacoma Public Schools has consistently outperformed the state average graduation rate — a reflection of our community’s unwavering commitment to student success.
Diving deeper
Graduation rates are more than just a number; they represent the unique journeys of individual students. As an organization, our focus is helping every student — no matter what — graduate.
Across most racial and ethnic groups, graduation gaps have closed, demonstrating our focus on equity. Notably, 100% of Native American students participating in our Title IV Indian Education program graduated on time. This program emphasizes relationship-building and community support, which profoundly impacts student success.
We continually look at graduation through multiple lenses, such as English Language Learners (ELL), students from low-income households, and those receiving Special Education services. While some years have shown promising progress, 2024 saw slight dips in ELL and low-income student graduation rates. For students with Special Education needs, closing the gap remains an ongoing priority. As an organization, we continue to develop robust systems of support, starting well before high school, to ensure every student has the resources they need to succeed.
Achievements of the Class of 2024
TPS is not just getting students to graduation but helping them prepare for life after high school. The Class of 2024 earned 1,361 Industry Recognized Credentials (IRCs)—certifications that often require significant financial investment but were made accessible to our students at no cost. These certifications open doors to in-demand careers and demonstrate students’ readiness for the workforce.
Some of the IRCs earned include:
- Electrical Training ALLIANCE certificate
- Financial literacy
- Certification in Erosion & Soil Control
- GAF roofing academy
- Home Care Aide
- Merchant Mariner Card
- Transportation Worker Identification Card
- Scissor lift
- Trust UAV License to fly unmanned vehicles (drones)
- Veterinary Scribe Certificate
- Firefighter Red Card
The Class of 2024 accumulated an astounding 3,125 college credits through programs like College in the High School, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and Running Start.
Programs like Jobs 253 offer students paid work experience that help them gain professional skills. For instance, students have worked at the Gesa Credit Union branch at Mount Tahoma High School and served as elementary school sports coaches in partnership with Metro Parks Tacoma. Four hundred ninety five students from the Class of 2024 had a paid work experience through TPS. We are proud of the opportunities already available, and our goal is to keep building community partnerships to ensure every student has access to a meaningful paid work experience.
Another key focus is ensuring all students graduate with a Verified Acceptance to the Next Institution (VANI)—a plan for life after high school, whether it’s a four-year university, community college, apprenticeship or military service. Plans may evolve, but starting with a clear direction is essential for long-term success. In the Class of 2024, 1,280 students submitted a VANI.
A community effort
The achievements of the Class of 2024 reflect the strength of the TPS community. Schools do not do this work alone. Students are supported through hundreds of community partnerships from preschool through 12th grade, and beyond. Voters have consistently supported school levies and construction bonds, creating a community commitment to education.
As we celebrate this record-breaking year, we remain committed to building on this success. Graduation is not just a destination but a stepping stone to greater opportunities.
Congratulations, Class of 2024 — you’ve made history!
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